About Shang Rinpoche

Rinpoche’s spiritual pursuit began at a very young age and has spanned many years, in which he received lineages of all four major Vajrayana Buddhist schools—Nyingma, Kagyu, Sakya, and Gelug—from numerous lineage holders and great yogis of our time in India, Tibet, Nepal and Bhutan. Rinpoche has acquired all the necessary empowerments, transmissions, and teachings to become a fully qualified Vajrayana master. Furthermore, Rinpoche is a recognized tulku (reincarnate lama), authenticated by eminent lineage holders and distinguished masters of our time.
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2015年1月7日 星期三

Malālah Yūsafzay, a Bodhisattva Incarnate

It is often said “heaven and earth are not benevolent; they treat the myriad things as straw dogs.” This is expressing how everything on this earth interacts with the nature of things — can it be said that we need only to do the right thing and everything will turn out well? Or rather, is it as Christianity poses, that we need only to humbly admit our faults and all will be cleansed? If we go by Hu Shi, who believed that “we reap what we sow,” then all those who work hard should be the ones with a quick and bountiful harvest. Why is this not the case? When people suffer inexplicable hardship and cruelty, they inevitably fall into a puddle of their own tears, at a loss for words and with only one question to ask the heavens above, “Why has this happened to me?”

Whatever created everything did not pick favorites. We all started from a level playing field with the same opportunities; the only difference is what comes as a result of our past actions. This is what creates the conditions that form our lives, such as ethnicity, culture, location and merit. Even in countries that are supposedly happy and well-off, there are beings who suffer injury and those who do wrong. Likewise, in places of suffering there are angels among us. I have always believed that those who are full of spiritual presence and power must first have met with excruciating suffering.

I try to keep up with international and local news because it lets me keep my finger on the pulse of the world and its people. One day, I was drawn by the deep and steady gaze of someone who looked just like the Mona Lisa on the cover of a magazine. An aura of harmony and tranquility seemed to radiate from her eyes like an angel from under the black Hijab draped over her head and shoulders. There was this sense of stability and peace that reminded me of the goddesses and dakinis in Buddhism, who obtained their liberation on the path of practicing the ten good deeds. It is because of these female practitioners providing help to other practitioners and both tangible and intangible protection to the earth that injured spirits are able to find comfort.
Malālah Yūsafzay won the Nobel Peace prize in 2014. She was only seventeen years old and the very moving headline read, “one child, one teacher, a book and a pen are all that is needed to change the world.”
This was her opening line when she stood before the United Nations at the age of 16. At that time she had just been through the famous shooting. She was standing on the platform at the United Nations facing all of those influential people to fight for the right to a child’s education. The most amazing thing is how, after being shot, all of the fear and weakness she had in her life completely disappeared.

In the Lotus Sutra, Guanyin Bodhisattva mentions, “If one attains liberation in the body of a child, then in future lives one will manifest as a child to teach the Dharma… therefore, Guanyin Bodhisattva manifests in all forms to teach in various lands.” I believe that in this world, regardless of whether a country’s circumstances are good or bad, there will undoubtedly be manifestations of dakinis and bodhisattvas all around us, carrying out their great vows of compassion in different places. Malālah Yūsafzay is certainly one of them.

